What is a HighLevel Agency Wallet?

The HighLevel Agency Wallet Explained When you choose to activate any of the additional services mentioned below (like LC Phone, Email, or AI), you initiate an “Agency Wallet.” These wallets contain credits that are utilized when you use any of the Additional Services listed (such as LC Phone, Email, or AI). To add credits to your wallet, HighLevel will charge your Agency card on record. Wallet charges are incurred when wallet balances fall below a set minimum amount.

You can modify the minimum wallet balance thresholds and wallet recharge amounts at any time through your Agency Level Billing > Wallet & Transitions Tab.

HighLevel’s Use of a “Wallet”

HighLevel employs a “Wallet” system to ensure fair and transparent billing based on your actual usage. Unlike many other companies that charge based on predefined packages (like 500 SMS for $40/month), regardless of whether you use the full quota, we only charge for what you actually use.

For instance, if you only send 100 SMS in a month, you’re only charged for those 100 SMS. This approach allows us to offer competitive prices and ensures that you pay only for the services you utilize, leading to cost savings and a more tailored billing experience.